
No! I did not..

..abandon you.

Lately, I have been a big disappointment to my mother and father (I don't want my brother to be left out so he should be pretty disappointed in me as well.)

Don't ask me to explain. It's not like I would like to remember this in the coming years, so why am I documenting this?

Don't ask me to explain.

I'm not feeling a bit apologetic, I'm only human, in other words I'M NOT PERFECT.

Although I think I need to work on the "being apologetic" part.

I present to you this yoo-choob song, in commencement to my "being apologetic," it's written right here, this is the proof of my turning point; without further adieu "I go away" by MNDR.

I can't express how perfect this music is to my ears right now.


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